Wednesday, 30 January 2008

Who is that stranger?

It's me!!!

Still alive and only on to try something ...

Ollie the Second

.. so let's see if it works ...

Oh, joy of joy. It worked. I can now post foties in the middle of text instead of all the pics at the start and without the font and text going all wonky!!!

BTW above is my latest creation - Ollie from The Magical World According to Miss Mollie - Louisa Harding. Knitted with Louisa Harding Kimono Angora and Louisa Harding Fauve (book and yarn available from Stitching Time, Hamilton). Okay .. it is a big big for the dummy, but the dummy ain't going to be wearing it!

So now I can walk and fart at the same time I should be able to get a decent shop blog going!!

Off to fill my hottie and get to bed. Been to Livi to see TAH and Elsie (yeah, yeah I do know how long it is since my last post thank you very much for reminding me! And to be fair .. you were discrete enough not to mention it this time and I did return the discretion by not mentioning your doob! Oops did I just mention it? To the whole world you say? Oops!)

Catch ya later.

ps Got a new camera so not only can I walk and fart at the same time but I can walk and fart and chew gum at the same time!!! Crude? moi?