Saturday, 24 February 2007

I Don't Beleeeeeve it!

Haven't done much knitting in the past week cos I have been sleeping. Yes ... that much. Fall asleep at Mum's, go home, have tea, fall asleep, wake up, then go to bed.

So last night, I woke just after eleven and decided to check out the GSnB message board. Put on a post and thought I would check out Kathleen's and Mhairi's blogs. (That's theirs listed on the side bar.) So, go into Kathleen's and saw that it had been her birthday. The next one was a picture of the scarf she had finished and she mentioned that she had got the wool in the shop and mentioned my blog.

I thought I'll go back to the first one and wish her a happy birthday and then go into the second and thank her for the mentions.

So .. in I go. Happy birthday. witty comment, compliment. Did I read it again? No. Did I preview it? No. Why should I? I don't have to do such things - I am just perfect. Publish........

.... up comes the comment with 'you are younger than you look' staring back at me. OH MY GOD! I don't believe it. Back in. Publish an apology. Er. You are older than you look. Into second post. Apologise again.

Guess what. Kathleen, please forgive me. In my defence, if you continue to read my blog, you will see that that one was a mere bagatelle.

Posted a picture of MBN at the side. She is lovely and certainly takes after me.

There was a coffee morning in the church across the road and TMO brought in a bag of goodies. She said to take something from the plate. Er. Don't know if she meant me to have it all, but she can't get it back now. (A fairy cake, 4 pancakes and piece of shortbread. Lunch? TLA had the other fairy cake - honestly. BTW, don't think fairy cakes are on the Scottish Slimmers list Anne!)

Back to work. Hey ho. Have to stay awake tonight - ice-dancing and Casualty!!

See ya.


Twelfthknit said...

I really was ROFLMAO at your comment on K's blog! How many times have I done that myself? Known what I am saying in my head, completely messing it up in a text;0) Bet you're glad yu re-read it! Mind you, K definitely doesn't 'go looking' for offence, so I am sure that she knew what you meant.

Anonymous said...

hehe - I just went and read the comments on Kathleen's blog - I'm sure she didn't take offence!

(fellow Glasgow SnB-er, although I don't think we've actually met yet)