Monday, 26 February 2007

Hypochondria - I fancy I have that.

Only two more peeps till my wee fat baldy Geordie midget is back. And oh what a night we will have. Yeah right .. he is going to watch football and I am off to Livingston to see my bezie mate, TAH (the auld hoor, Loraine).

Not much blogging tonight - am going to go to bed early. Well you see, MWM has to phone every morning at 7am to wake me up. I then have to flush the loo to prove I am up. (yes ... you read that correctly!) However, this morning she had to go to the next stage of the procedure. The one where she can't get an answer and I may be lying in a coma stage. Remember - diabetic. So what did I wake up to this morning? TMO pounding up the stairs, (teachers voice at full teacherness), my alarm clock (still) going off and my mobile snooze giving merry Hell. Yep. Slept through the phone ringing about twenty times, the alarm clock ringing for forty minutes and my mobile snoozing every ten minutes. What woke me up. TMO. Yes, the next stage in the procedure is phone the emergency service. I should record her voice and have that played at 7am - that would get me up in a hurry!

Of course, what made it worse was that I had zonked out in my joggies and t-shirt and there were piles of ironing lying everywhere. 'Are those clothes or night-clothes?' 'Don't leave those lying there. That's dangerous.' ' Have you phoned Mum yet?' (On phone) 'No, she's just lying down again. Her eyes are shut.' 'Nan. GET UP! Speak to your mother.' Of course my eyes were shut. I couldn't open them cos I had zonked out before I got my make-up off and the mascara was like superglue. Could have been worse though, last time she sent BIL.

Boy, you couldn't make this up!

I am soooooo tired. In fact, I feel a dose of hypochondria coming on. But I am not going into that just now. (Well, not when there are medical sites to visit and I already have the medical dictionary downstairs for a little light reading.)

So, it's goodnight from me.

ps Hey Scottie. Mind and leave a comment fur yer auntie.
pps On my next blog I will tell you about the goodies that came today. yum, yum

1 comment:

Kathleen said...

You must've put the fear of god into them!
Hope you got a good rest last night with no more traumas.