Monday, 30 April 2007

Whodunit? - TBT!

No salutations today - straight in! Must get this off my chest ... guess what!

Didn't touch that blasted thing all day. Went to MWM's after work. Told her about Saturday (sorry - the sad tale of poor Agnes) and last night. She laughed. I started to knit (after double checking what row I was on). MWM laughed again as she asked if I was doing the correct row. 'Oh, ha, ha. Very funny.' After about 20 stitches, I had a nagging doubt about what I was doing. Checked again. Yes, I was doing the wrong row ... AGAIN!!! MWM went into one of her giggling fits and TB just shook his head and carried on with his sudoku as I had to take back the stitches and start again.

That blasted thing is going to be the death of me. One thing I have never had bother with in my sordid medical past is high blood pressure but believe you me, that blasted thing is going to have it going through the roof.

So, my beautiful mini-shawl is forever more going to be referred to as TBT (that blasted thing). If they are looking for a script for a new episode of Taggart, they can tell my story and when the cry goes up 'There's been a muuuurder', no-one will ever guess that TBT did it.

Four stitch, four stitch, repeat. Four rows, four rows. No shaping, nothing. Just a square. How can it be soooo infuriatingly damned hard to get. Bloody hell! You'd think I'd just knitted garter stitch scarves for the past hmm, hmm years and this was my first foray into the world of pattern and that maybe I should have attempted stocking stitch first!!

City and Guilds. City and Guilds? Aye, if each module is to design and knit a garter stitch scarf on 25mm needles in different types of yarn!

Rant over. Going back to get TBT out and give it Hell. I am trying sooo hard not to go there as far as the peaks are concerned. Cross that bridge when I come to it. (Will probably zip through it only to run out of wool two rows from the end. Calm down, Nan)

Oh, oh! Reading 1 - Newcastle 0.As if TBT wasn't giving me enough grief, TB will give me a post-mortem when I go downstairs. My life is the pits.

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